How to contribute

By Chee Leong


  1. Install Hugo or if you have Golang setup,

    go get -u -v
  2. Clone the project repository.

    If you’ve obtained permission to write to the repository.

    git clone --recursive [email protected]:golang-my/

    Else you’ll have to fork the repository, remember to add --recursive when checkout.

    I prefer the fork method. :)

  3. You can start this to preview the site. Any changes you made will be reflected.

    hugo server
  4. The directory structure, for most the time, you only need to deal with content/post and static (if images are involved).

    Here’s an output of tree.

    $ tree -L 2
    ├── config.toml
    ├── content
    │   ├── home
    │   ├── post
    │   └── project
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── Makefile
    ├── public
    ├── static
    │   └── img
    └── themes
  5. To create a new post, we’ll be using Hugo’s scaffolder.

    hugo new post/<title>.md

    Hugo supports Markdown and also the current theme we’re using supports LaTeX.

    To know more, check Resources.

  6. After you did all the editing and is satisfied with the results. Commit your changes, push and send us a pull request. We’ll do the moderation, merge and site generation.

    To check for changes

    git status

    Add files to be committed

    git add  <path>

    Commit and push your changes

    git commit
    git push

    Thank you for your contribution.


To know more about the toolset and markups.


Please use the issue tracker to let me know about any bugs or feature requests, or alternatively make a pull request.


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